Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

A large variety of important tasks in low­-level vision, image analysis and pat­tern recognition can be formulated as discrete labeling problems where one seeks to optimize some measure of the quality of the labeling. For example such is the case in optical flow estimation, stereo matching, image restoration to men­tion only a few of them. Discrete Markov Random Fields are ideal candidates for modeling these labeling problems and, for this reason, they are ubiquitous in computer vision. Therefore, an issue of paramount importance, that has at­tracted a significant amount of computer vision research over the past years, is how to optimize discrete Markov Random Fields efficiently and accurately. The main theme of this thesis is ...


Komodakis, Nikos
University of Crete
Publication Year
Upload Date
Dec. 12, 2008

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