Automatic Analysis of Head and Facial Gestures in Video Streams

Automatic analysis of head gestures and facial expressions is a challenging research area and it has significant applications for intelligent human-computer interfaces. An important task is the automatic classification of non-verbal messages composed of facial signals where both facial expressions and head rotations are observed. This is a challenging task, because there is no definite grammar or code-book for mapping the non-verbal facial signals into a corresponding mental state. Furthermore, non-verbal facial signals and the observed emotions have dependency on personality, society, state of the mood and also the context in which they are displayed or observed. This thesis mainly addresses the three desired tasks for an effective visual information based automatic face and head gesture (FHG) analyzer. First we develop a fully automatic, robust and accurate 17-point facial landmark localizer based on local appearance information and structural information of ...

Cinar Akakin, Hatice — Bogazici University

Video Based Detection of Driver Fatigue

This thesis addresses the problem of drowsy driver detection using computer vision techniques applied to the human face. Specifically we explore the possibility of discriminating drowsy from alert video segments using facial expressions automatically extracted from video. Several approaches were previously proposed for the detection and prediction of drowsiness. There has recently been increasing interest in computer vision approaches as it is a potentially promising approach due to its non-invasive nature for detecting drowsiness. Previous studies with vision based approaches detect driver drowsiness primarily by making pre-assumptions about the relevant behavior, focusing on blink rate, eye closure, and yawning. Here we employ machine learning to explore, understand and exploit actual human behavior during drowsiness episodes. We have collected two datasets including facial and head movement measures. Head motion is collected through an accelerometer for the first dataset (UYAN-1) and an ...

Vural, Esra — Sabanci University

Toward sparse and geometry adapted video approximations

Video signals are sequences of natural images, where images are often modeled as piecewise-smooth signals. Hence, video can be seen as a 3D piecewise-smooth signal made of piecewise-smooth regions that move through time. Based on the piecewise-smooth model and on related theoretical work on rate-distortion performance of wavelet and oracle based coding schemes, one can better analyze the appropriate coding strategies that adaptive video codecs need to implement in order to be efficient. Efficient video representations for coding purposes require the use of adaptive signal decompositions able to capture appropriately the structure and redundancy appearing in video signals. Adaptivity needs to be such that it allows for proper modeling of signals in order to represent these with the lowest possible coding cost. Video is a very structured signal with high geometric content. This includes temporal geometry (normally represented by motion ...

Divorra Escoda, Oscar — EPFL / Signal Processing Institute

Contributions to Human Motion Modeling and Recognition using Non-intrusive Wearable Sensors

This thesis contributes to motion characterization through inertial and physiological signals captured by wearable devices and analyzed using signal processing and deep learning techniques. This research leverages the possibilities of motion analysis for three main applications: to know what physical activity a person is performing (Human Activity Recognition), to identify who is performing that motion (user identification) or know how the movement is being performed (motor anomaly detection). Most previous research has addressed human motion modeling using invasive sensors in contact with the user or intrusive sensors that modify the user’s behavior while performing an action (cameras or microphones). In this sense, wearable devices such as smartphones and smartwatches can collect motion signals from users during their daily lives in a less invasive or intrusive way. Recently, there has been an exponential increase in research focused on inertial-signal processing to ...

Gil-Martín, Manuel — Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Dealing with Variability Factors and Its Application to Biometrics at a Distance

This Thesis is focused on dealing with the variability factors in biometric recognition and applications of biometrics at a distance. In particular, this PhD Thesis explores the problem of variability factors assessment and how to deal with them by the incorporation of soft biometrics information in order to improve person recognition systems working at a distance. The proposed methods supported by experimental results show the benefits of adapting the system considering the variability of the sample at hand. Although being relatively young compared to other mature and long-used security technologies, biometrics have emerged in the last decade as a pushing alternative for applications where automatic recognition of people is needed. Certainly, biometrics are very attractive and useful for video surveillance systems at a distance, widely distributed in our lifes, and for the final user: forget about PINs and passwords, you ...

Tome, Pedro — Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Improvements in Pose Invariance and Local Description for Gabor-based 2D Face Recognition

Automatic face recognition has attracted a lot of attention not only because of the large number of practical applications where human identification is needed but also due to the technical challenges involved in this problem: large variability in facial appearance, non-linearity of face manifolds and high dimensionality are some the most critical handicaps. In order to deal with the above mentioned challenges, there are two possible strategies: the first is to construct a “good” feature space in which the manifolds become simpler (more linear and more convex). This scheme usually comprises two levels of processing: (1) normalize images geometrically and photometrically and (2) extract features that are stable with respect to these variations (such as those based on Gabor filters). The second strategy is to use classification structures that are able to deal with non-linearities and to generalize properly. To ...

Gonzalez-Jimenez, Daniel — University of Vigo

Camera based motion estimation and recognition for human-computer interaction

Communicating with mobile devices has become an unavoidable part of our daily life. Unfortunately, the current user interface designs are mostly taken directly from desktop computers. This has resulted in devices that are sometimes hard to use. Since more processing power and new sensing technologies are already available, there is a possibility to develop systems to communicate through different modalities. This thesis proposes some novel computer vision approaches, including head tracking, object motion analysis and device ego-motion estimation, to allow efficient interaction with mobile devices. For head tracking, two new methods have been developed. The first method detects a face region and facial features by employing skin detection, morphology, and a geometrical face model. The second method, designed especially for mobile use, detects the face and eyes using local texture features. In both cases, Kalman filtering is applied to estimate ...

Hannuksela, Jari — University of Oulou

Visual ear detection and recognition in unconstrained environments

Automatic ear recognition systems have seen increased interest over recent years due to multiple desirable characteristics. Ear images used in such systems can typically be extracted from profile head shots or video footage. The acquisition procedure is contactless and non-intrusive, and it also does not depend on the cooperation of the subjects. In this regard, ear recognition technology shares similarities with other image-based biometric modalities. Another appealing property of ear biometrics is its distinctiveness. Recent studies even empirically validated existing conjectures that certain features of the ear are distinct for identical twins. This fact has significant implications for security-related applications and puts ear images on a par with epigenetic biometric modalities, such as the iris. Ear images can also supplement other biometric modalities in automatic recognition systems and provide identity cues when other information is unreliable or even unavailable. In ...

Emeršič, Žiga — University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science

Biologically Inspired 3D Face Recognition

Face recognition has been an active area of study for both computer vision and image processing communities, not only for biometrics but also for human-computer interaction applications. The purpose of the present work is to evaluate the existing 3D face recognition techniques and seek biologically motivated methods to improve them. We especially look at findings in psychophysics and cognitive science for insights. We propose a biologically motivated computational model, and focus on the earlier stages of the model, whose performance is critical for the later stages. Our emphasis is on automatic localization of facial features. We first propose a strong unsupervised learning algorithm for flexible and automatic training of Gaussian mixture models and use it in a novel feature-based algorithm for facial fiducial point localization. We also propose a novel structural correction algorithm to evaluate the quality of landmarking and ...

Salah, Albert Ali — Bogazici University

Facial features segmentation, analysis and recognition of facial expressions by the Transferable Belief Model

Facial features segmentation, analysis and recognition of facial expressions by the Transferable Belief Model The aim of this work is the analysis and the classification of facial expressions. Experiments in psychology show that human is able to recognize the emotions based on the visualization of the temporal evolution of some characteristic fiducial points. Thus we firstly propose an automatic system for the extraction of the permanent facial features (eyes, eyebrows and lips). In this work we are interested in the problem of the segmentation of the eyes and the eyebrows. The segmentation of lips contours is based on a previous work developed in the laboratory. The proposed algorithm for eyes and eyebrows contours segmentation consists of three steps: firstly, the definition of parametric models to fit as accurate as possible the contour of each feature; then, a whole set of ...

Hammal, Zakia — GIPSA-lab/DIS

Content-based search and browsing in semantic multimedia retrieval

Growth in storage capacity has led to large digital video repositories and complicated the discovery of specific information without the laborious manual annotation of data. The research focuses on creating a retrieval system that is ultimately independent of manual work. To retrieve relevant content, the semantic gap between the searcher's information need and the content data has to be overcome using content-based technology. Semantic gap constitutes of two distinct elements: the ambiguity of the true information need and the equivocalness of digital video data. The research problem of this thesis is: what computational content-based models for retrieval increase the effectiveness of the semantic retrieval of digital video? The hypothesis is that semantic search performance can be improved using pattern recognition, data abstraction and clustering techniques jointly with human interaction through manually created queries and visual browsing. The results of this ...

Rautiainen, Mika — University of Oulou

Motion Analysis and Modeling for Activity Recognition and 3-D Animation based on Geometrical and Video Processing Algorithms

The analysis of audiovisual data aims at extracting high level information, equivalent with the one(s) that can be extracted by a human. It is considered as a fundamental, unsolved (in its general form) problem. Even though the inverse problem, the audiovisual (sound and animation) synthesis, is judged easier than the previous, it remains an unsolved problem. The systematic research on these problems yields solutions that constitute the basis for a great number of continuously developing applications. In this thesis, we examine the two aforementioned fundamental problems. We propose algorithms and models of analysis and synthesis of articulated motion and undulatory (snake) locomotion, using data from video sequences. The goal of this research is the multilevel information extraction from video, like object tracking and activity recognition, and the 3-D animation synthesis in virtual environments based on the results of analysis. An ...

Panagiotakis, Costas — University of Crete

Non-rigid Registration-based Data-driven 3D Facial Action Unit Detection

Automated analysis of facial expressions has been an active area of study due to its potential applications not only for intelligent human-computer interfaces but also for human facial behavior research. To advance automatic expression analysis, this thesis proposes and empirically proves two hypotheses: (i) 3D face data is a better data modality than conventional 2D camera images, not only for being much less disturbed by illumination and head pose effects but also for capturing true facial surface information. (ii) It is possible to perform detailed face registration without resorting to any face modeling. This means that data-driven methods in automatic expression analysis can compensate for the confounding effects like pose and physiognomy differences, and can process facial features more effectively, without suffering the drawbacks of model-driven analysis. Our study is based upon Facial Action Coding System (FACS) as this paradigm ...

Savran, Arman — Bogazici University

Robust and multiresolution video delivery : From H.26x to Matching pursuit based technologies

With the joint development of networking and digital coding technologies multimedia and more particularly video services are clearly becoming one of the major consumers of the new information networks. The rapid growth of the Internet and computer industry however results in a very heterogeneous infrastructure commonly overloaded. Video service providers have nevertheless to oer to their clients the best possible quality according to their respective capabilities and communication channel status. The Quality of Service is not only inuenced by the compression artifacts, but also by unavoidable packet losses. Hence, the packet video stream has clearly to fulll possibly contradictory requirements, that are coding eciency and robustness to data loss. The rst contribution of this thesis is the complete modeling of the video Quality of Service (QoS) in standard and more particularly MPEG-2 applications. The performance of Forward Error Control (FEC) ...

Frossard, Pascal — Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

Towards In Loco X-ray Computed Tomography

Computed tomography (CT) is a non-invasive imaging technique that allows to reveal the inner structure of an object by combining a series of projection images that were acquired from dierent directions. CT nowadays has a broad range of applications, including those in medicine, preclinical research, nondestructive testing, materials science, etc. One common feature of the tomographic setups used in most applications is the requirement to put an object into a scanner. The rst major disadvantage of such a requirement is the constraint imposed on the size of the object that can be scanned. The second one is the need to move the object which might be di cult or might cause undesirable changes in the object. A possibility to perform in loco, i. e. on site, tomography will open up numerous applications for tomography in nondestructive testing, security, medicine, archaeology ...

Dabravolski, Andrei — University of Antwerp

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