Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

In this work we develop and study a framework for tracking and prediction of multipath components for wireless MIMO channels. The proposed methodology is a multi-stage procedure that relies on the concept of hypermodels, which capture the dynamics for each multipath. First the individual multipaths are resolved and extracted. In this work we also develop a new estimation algorithm based on the Evidence Procedure and the SAGE algorithm that allows to determine the number of multipath components. The extracted components are then tracked and predicted over time using hypermodels, which are build iteratively, as the tracking proceeds. For prediction we use linear as well as nonlinear hypermodels. We find that linear predictors are more efficient ... toggle 6 keywords

SAGE wireless channel estimation multipath components model order estimation evidence procedure kalman filter


Dmitriy Shutin
Graz University of Technology
Publication Year
Upload Date
Dec. 11, 2008

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