Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

This thesis introduces the rank-order model and investigates its use in several image restoration problems. More commonly used as filters, the rank-order operators are here employed as predictors. A Laplacian excitation sequence is chosen to complete the model. Images are generated with the model and compared with those formed with an AR model. A multidimensional rankorder model is formed from vector medians for use with multidimensional image data. The first application using the rank-order model is an impulsive noise detector. This exploits the notion of ‘multimodality’ in the histogram of a difference image of the degraded image and a rank-order filtered version. It uses the EM algorithm and a mixture model to automatically determine thresholds ... toggle 3 keywords

film video restoration


Armstrong, Steven
University of Cambridge
Publication Year
Upload Date
July 2, 2008

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