Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Within the context of long-term access to digital objects in general this dissertation takes the longevity of digital surrogates of historical photographs into consideration. For memory institutes digitisation of analogue source material, such as historical photographs, is an exciting way to open up and exploit their holdings. The focus on the digital durability of this specific type of digital object enables the investigation of available building blocks for digital preservation, such as strategies, guidelines, standards, procedures and tools. A benchmarked digital capture process, the unambiguous formulation of preservation metadata and the application of persistent identifiers for digital objects, all based on open standards are important building blocks for the realisation of durable digital surrogates of ... toggle 4 keywords

digital durability digital archiving preservation metadata digital conversion of historical photographs


Van Horik, Marinus Petrus Maria
Delft University of Technology
Publication Year
Upload Date
Sept. 17, 2008

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