Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Independent component analysis (ICA) and blind source separation (BSS) deal with extracting a number of mutually independent elements from a set of observed linear mixtures. Motivated by various applications, this work considers a more general and more flexible model: the sources can be partitioned into groups exhibiting dependence within a given group but independence between two different groups. We argue that this is tantamount to considering multidimensional components, as opposed to the standard ICA case which is restricted to one-dimensional components. In this work, we focus on second-order methods to separate statistically-independent multidimensional components from their linear instantaneous mixture. The purpose of this work is to provide theoretical answers to questions which so far have ... toggle 7 keywords

blind source separation independent componenet analysis independent subspace analysis multidimensional components performance analysis joint block diagonalization cosmic microwave background radiation


Lahat, Dana
Tel Aviv University
Publication Year
Upload Date
Nov. 22, 2015

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