Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Medical and holographic imaging modalities produce large datasets that require efficient compression mechanisms for storage and transmission. This PhD dissertation proposes state-of-the-art technology extensions for JPEG coding standards to improve their performance in the aforementioned application domains. Modern hospitals rely heavily on volumetric images, such as produced by CT and MRI scanners. In fact, the completely digitized medical work flow, the improved imaging scanner technologies and the importance of volumetric image data sets have led to an exponentially increasing amount of data, raising the necessity for more efficient compression techniques with support for progressive quality and resolution scalability. For this type of imagery, a volumetric extension of the JPEG 2000 standard was created, called JP3D. ... toggle 6 keywords

volumetric wavelets dwt jpeg 2000 medical hologram jpeg


Bruylants, Tim
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Publication Year
Upload Date
Sept. 29, 2015

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