Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Over the last few decades, transistor miniaturization has enabled a tremendous increase in the processing capability of commercial electronic devices, which, combined with the reduction of production costs, has tremendously fostered the usage of the Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) both in terms of number of users and required data rates. In turn, this has led to a tremendous increment in the energetic demand of the ICT sector, which is expected to further grow during the upcoming years, reaching unsustainable levels of greenhouse gas emissions as reported by the European Council. Additionally, the autonomy of battery operated devices is getting reduced year after year since battery technology has not evolved fast enough to cope with ... toggle 6 keywords

energy harvesting wireless communications transmitter design processing circuitry consumption resource allocation MIMO.


Gregori, Maria
Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya
Publication Year
Upload Date
Nov. 25, 2014

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