Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Human action recognition problem is one of the most challenging problems in the computer vision domain, and plays an emerging role in various fields of study. In this thesis, we investigate structured and sequential representations of spatio-temporal data for recognizing human actions and for measuring action performance quality. In video sequences, we characterize each action with a graphical structure of its spatio-temporal interest points and each such interest point is qualified by its cuboid descriptors. In the case of depth data, an action is represented by the sequence of skeleton joints. Given such descriptors, we solve the human action recognition problem through a hyper-graph matching formulation. As is known, hyper-graph matching problem is NP-complete. We ... toggle 3 keywords

human action recognition hyper-graph matching dynamic programming


Celiktutan, Oya
Bogazici University
Publication Year
Upload Date
Jan. 26, 2014

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