Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Our main purpose in this PhD thesis is to perform local frequential (or directional) processing in different kind of data (volumes, images or signals). To this end, filter banks (FBs) are studied. More precisely, we first investigate the existence and the construction of synthesis FBs inverse to a given FIR complex analysis FB. Through the study of the polyphase analysis matrix, we are able to propose methods to test the invertibility and to build one inverse FB. Using this inverse, we provide a parametrization of the set of synthesis FB, with which we optimize filter responses with different criteria. The same study is performed in the multidimensional case. Since FBs provide an efficient representation of ... toggle 8 keywords

oversampled filter banks redundancy inversion optimization directional filtering stein’s principle seismic data transmission electron microscopy


Gauthier, Jerome
IFP Energies nouvelles
Publication Year
Upload Date
Sept. 29, 2013

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