Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Virtual environments allow human beings to be represented by virtual humans or avatars. Users can share a sense of virtual presence is the avatar looks like the real human it represents. This classically involves turning the avatar into a clone with the real human’s appearance and voice. However, the possibility of cloning the gesture expressivity of a real person has received little attention so far. Gesture expressivity combines the style and mood of a person. Expressivity parameters have been defined in earlier works for animating embodied conversational agents. In this work, we focus on expressivity in wrist motion. First, we propose algorithms to estimate three expressivity parameters from captured wrist 3D trajectories: repetition, spatial extent ... toggle 5 keywords

motion style expressivity virtual clone embodied conversational agent (eca) greta


Rajagopal, Manoj kumar
Telecom Sudparis
Publication Year
Upload Date
Nov. 1, 2012

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