Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Ten years after its infancy, digital watermarking is still considered as a young technology. Despite the fact that it has been introduced for security-related applications such as copyright protection, almost no study has been conducted to assert the survival of embedded watermarks in a hostile environment. In this thesis, it will be shown that this lack of evaluation has led to critical security pitfalls against statistical analysis, also referred to as collusion attacks. Such attacks typically consider several watermarked documents and combine them to produce unwatermarked content. This threat is all the more relevant when digital video is considered since each individual video frame can be regarded as a single watermarked document by itself. Next, ... toggle 6 keywords

digital watermarking digital video security collusion motion compensated watermarking signal coherent watermarking.


Doërr, Gwenaël
Institut Eurécom
Publication Year
Upload Date
Oct. 5, 2012

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