Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

This doctoral thesis aims at optimising the floating-point implementations of signal processing algorithms on reconfigurable hardware with respect to accuracy, hardware resource and execution time. It is known that reduced precision in floating-point arithmetic operations on reconfigurable hardware directly translates into increased parallelism and peak performance. As a result, efficient implementations can be obtained by choosing the minimal acceptable precision for floating-point operations. Furthermore, custom-precision floating-point operations allow for trading accuracy with parallelism and performance. We use Affine Arithmetic (AA) for modeling the rounding errors of floating-point computations. The derived rounding error bound by the AA-based error model is then used to determine the smallest mantissa bit width of custom-precision floating-point number formats needed for ... toggle 10 keywords

floating-point arithmetic signal processing affine arithmetic efficient implementation reconfigurable computing speech processing algorithms numerical analysis bit width allocation error analysis


Huynh, Thang Viet
Graz University of Technology
Publication Year
Upload Date
July 18, 2012

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