Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Traditional antenna performance descriptors such as input port impedance, radiation pattern or effective antenna length generally face strong frequency dependence. In this context the traditional narrowband approach to antenna design is no more appropriate for UWB antennas. Such antennas behave as spatial and temporal filters, distorting the radiated waveforms. Indeed, the radiated signal distortion is an inherent UWB antenna issue, usually assessed qualitatively. Consequently the need for a compact frequency and direction-independent antenna distortion descriptor was identified. For this purpose the first objective of the thesis is to define and analyze new direction-independent UWB antenna descriptors that should assess the antenna performance in terms of transmitted UWB pulse fidelity. As a second objective of the ... toggle 1 keyword

in this context the traditional narrowband approach to antenna design is no more appropriate for uwb antennas. such antennas behave as spatial and temporal filters


Pavel Miskovsky, Jr.
Centre Tecnològic de Telecomuniacions de Catalunya (CTTC)
Publication Year
Upload Date
June 13, 2012

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