Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

This thesis focuses on different nonlinear distortion aspects in radio transmitter and receivers. Such nonlinear distortion aspects are generally becoming more and more important as the communication waveforms themselves get more complex and thus more sensitive to any distortion. Also balancing between the implementation costs, size, power consumption and radio performance, especially in multiradio devices, creates tendency towards using lower cost, and thus lower quality, radio electronics. Furthermore, increasing requirements on radio flexibility, especially on receiver side, reduces receiver radio frequency (RF) selectivity and thus increases the dynamic range and linearity requirements. Thus overall, proper understanding of nonlinear distortion in radio devices is essential, and also opens the door for clever use of digital signal ... toggle 11 keywords

dirty r direct conversion receiver nonlinearity low-noise amplifier power amplifier linearization feedforward linearizer digital signal processing PA LNA wideband direct conversion receiver


Shahed hagh ghadam, Ali
Tampere University of Technology
Publication Year
Upload Date
March 17, 2012

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