Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

We present new results on single-channel speech separation and suggest a new separation approach to improve the speech quality of separated signals from an observed mix- ture. The key idea is to derive a mixture estimator based on sinusoidal parameters. The proposed estimator is aimed at finding sinusoidal parameters in the form of codevectors from vector quantization (VQ) codebooks pre-trained for speakers that, when combined, best fit the observed mixed signal. The selected codevectors are then used to reconstruct the recovered signals for the speakers in the mixture. Compared to the log- max mixture estimator used in binary masks and the Wiener filtering approach, it is observed that the proposed method achieves an acceptable perceptual ... toggle 4 keywords

single-channel source separation sinusoidal modeling mixture estimation speaker identification.


Pejman Mowlaee
Department of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University
Publication Year
Upload Date
Jan. 26, 2012

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