Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Slowly computers are being dressed and becoming huggable and tangible. They are being personalized and are expected to understand more of their users' feelings, emotions, and moods: This we refer to as affective computing. The work and experiences from 50+ publications on affective computing is collected and reported in one concise monograph. A brief introduction on emotion theory and affective computing is given and its relevance for computer science (i.e., Human-Computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Health Informatics) is denoted. Next, a closed model for affective computing is introduced and reviews of both biosignals and affective computing are presented. The conclusion of all of this is that affective computing lacks standards. Affective computing's key dimensions ... toggle 15 keywords

affective signal processing (asp) affective computing emotion machine learning pattern recognition statistics cognition human-computer interaction (hci) artificial intelligence (ai) ambient intelligence (ami) ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) affect physiology psychophysiology biosignals


van den Broek, Egon L.
University of Twente
Publication Year
Upload Date
Sept. 21, 2011

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