Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

The problem of finding images, video clips and music, given time, place, interest and mood has kept an immense number of scientists and technology developers busy in the past twenty years. However, straightforward attempts to apply textbased search to non-textual data still seem to be the only viable solution. In spite of the numerous ideas proposed so far in the MIR (Multimedia Information Retrieval) research field, it is remarkable that hardly any significant success story, and in particular a commercially relevant one, has been reported. This thesis addresses the reasons that have prevented broad practical deployment of theories and algorithms for searching and retrieving content in multimedia data collections and proposes novel, generic and robust ... toggle 3 keywords

multimedia retrieval shot boundary detection video summarisation


Naci, Suphi Umut
Delft University of Technology
Publication Year
Upload Date
June 10, 2010

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