Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Currently, the telecommunications market has brought changes to the design of the old model of the telecommunications network. The emergence of new technologies for higher speed access was inevitable in order to meet the requirements of the appearance of the multimedia services (VoD, online gaming etc.). The latest technologies for broadband access over telephone pairs are Digital Subscriber Lines or DSL. This set of xDSL technologies allow the transfer of binary high speed over telephone twisted pair by using a suitable type of line codes. They allow a flow of high-speed information both asymmetrical and symmetrical over the telephone loop. This thesis presents the state of the art of Dynamic Spectrum Management (DSM) technologies suggested ... toggle 14 keywords

DSL DSM dynamic spectrum management copper cables measurements common mode UPBO power back off mercury waterfilling bitlaoding resource allocation active copper resource management multiconcductor transmission line mtl models


Jakovljevic, Milos
Technical University of Madrid (UPM)
Publication Year
Upload Date
April 12, 2010

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