Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Bayesian filtering is a framework for the computation of an optimal state estimate fusing different types of measurements, both current and past. Positioning, especially in urban and indoor environments, is one example of an application where the powerful mathematical framework is needed to compute as a good position estimate as possible from all kinds of measurements and information. In this work, we consider the Gaussian mixture filter, which is an approximation of the Bayesian filter. Especially, we consider filtering with just a few components, which can be computed in real-time on a mobile device. We have developed and compared different Gaussian mixture filters in different scenarios. One filter uses static solutions, which are possibly ambiguous, ... toggle 6 keywords

gaussian mixture filter extended kalman filter kalman filter nonlinear filtering positioning GPS


Ali-Loytty, Simo
Tampere University of Technology
Publication Year
Upload Date
Sept. 9, 2009

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