Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

The goal of the dissertation is to investigate and propose new methods for automatic Kikuchi lines detection. New subdivision of microscopic investigation called Orientation Microscopy is already well known in scanning electron microscope (SEM). Spatial resolution in SEM causes the limitation for investigation of fine grained and highly deformed materials. Needs for investigation in nanoscale contribute to development of an appropriate method for transmission electron microscope (TEM). Automated acquisition and indexing Kikuchi diffraction pattern, necessary for creation of orientation maps in TEM, cause more difficulties than in SEM. In order to solve the problem, the author developed and tested three methods for automatic Kikuchi lines detection. The first method is based on directional image filtration ...


Fraczek, Rafal
AGH - University of Science and Technology
Publication Year
Upload Date
April 14, 2009

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