Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

The ability to reliably and cheaply localize mobile terminals will allow users to understand and utilize the what, where and when of the surrounding physical world. Therefore, mobile terminal location information will open novel application opportunities in many areas. The mobile terminal positioning problem is categorized into three different types according to the availability of (1) initial accurate location information and (2) motion measurement data. Location estimation refers to the mobile positioning problem when both the initial location and motion measurement data are not available. If both are available, the positioning problem is referred to as position tracking. When only motion measurements are available the problem is known as global localization. These positioning problems were ... toggle 12 keywords

mobile location estimation received signal strength (rss) fingerprinting database correlation bayesian filtering nonlinear filtering inertial measurement unit (imu) position tracking global localization cramér-rao lower bound (crlb) posterior cramér-rao lower bound (pcrlb) sensor fusion data fusion


Khalaf-Allah, Mohamed
Leibniz University of Hannover
Publication Year
Upload Date
Dec. 2, 2008

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