Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

This thesis addresses the problem of vision based sign language recognition and focuses on three main tasks to design improved techniques that increase the performance of sign language recognition systems. We first attack the markerless tracking problem during natural and unrestricted signing in less restricted environments. We propose a joint particle filter approach for tracking multiple identical objects, in our case the two hands and the face, which is robust to situations including fast movement, interactions and occlusions. Our experiments show that the proposed approach has a robust tracking performance during the challenging situations and is suitable for tracking long durations of signing with its ability of fast recovery. Second, we attack the problem of ... toggle 5 keywords

sign language recognition hand gesture recognition hidden markov models non-manual signals generative and discriminative models


Aran, Oya
Bogazici University
Publication Year
Upload Date
Nov. 17, 2008

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