Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

This thesis describes a visualization pipeline for sonar profiling data that show reflections of multiple sediments in the sea bottom and that cover huge survey areas with many gaps. Visualizing such data is not trivial, because they may be noisy and because data sets may be very large. The developed techniques are: (1) Quadtree interpolation for estimating new sediment reflections, at all gaps in the longitude-latitude plane. The quadtree is used for guiding the 3D interpolation process: gaps become small at low spatial resolutions, where they can be filled by interpolating between available reflections. In the interpolation, the reflection data are cross correlated in order to construct continuity of multiple, sloping reflections. (2) Segmentation and ... toggle 4 keywords

computer graphics pattern recognition image processing oceanic engineering


Loke, Robert Edward
Delft University of Technology
Publication Year
Upload Date
Sept. 24, 2008

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