Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Since the late 1990s, massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) has been suggested to improve the achievable data rate in wireless communication systems. To overcome the high path losses in the high frequency bands, the use of massive MIMO will be a must rather than an option in future wireless communication systems. At the same time, due to the high cost and high energy consumption of the traditional fully digital beamforming architecture, a new beamforming architecture is required. Among the proposed solutions, the hybrid analog digital (HAD) beamforming architecture has received considerable attention. The promising massive MIMO gains heavily rely on the availability of accurate channel state information (CSI). This thesis considers a wideband massive MIMO orthogonal ... toggle 5 keywords

massive mimo hybrid analog digital beamforming reconfigurable intelligent surfaces channel estimation tensor algebra


Gherekhloo, Sepideh
Technische Universität Ilmenau
Publication Year
Upload Date
July 18, 2024

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