Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

This dissertation details two classes of cooperative localization methods for wireless networks in mixed line-of-sight and non-line-of-sight (LOS/NLOS) environments. The classes of methods depend on the amount of prior knowledge available. The methods used for both classes are based on the assumptions in practical localization environments that neither NLOS identification nor experimental campaigns are affordable. Two major contributions are, first, in methods that provide satisfactory localization accuracy whilst relaxing the requirement on statistical knowledge about the measurement model. Second, in methods that provide significantly improved localization performance without the requirement of good initialization. In the first half of the dissertation, cooperative localization using received signal strength (RSS) measurements in homogeneous mixed LOS/NLOS environments is considered ... toggle 3 keywords

cooperative localization SDP message passing


Jin, Di
Signal Processing Group, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Publication Year
Upload Date
Oct. 5, 2021

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