Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Despite a lot of progress in speech separation, enhancement, and automatic speech recognition realistic meeting recognition is still fairly unsolved. Most research on speech separation either focuses on spectral cues to address single-channel recordings or spatial cues to separate multi-channel recordings and exclusively either rely on neural networks or probabilistic graphical models. Integrating a spatial clustering approach and a deep learning approach using spectral cues in a single framework can significantly improve automatic speech recognition performance and improve generalizability given that a neural network profits from a vast amount of training data while the probabilistic counterpart adapts to the current scene. This thesis at hand, therefore, concentrates on the integration of two fairly disjoint research ... toggle 5 keywords

blind source separation speech processing beamforming deep clustering neural networks


Drude, Lukas
Paderborn University
Publication Year
Upload Date
July 22, 2021

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