Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Preterm birth is a major pediatric health problem that perturbs the genetically determined program of corticogenesis of the developing brain. As a consequence, prematurity has been strongly associated with adverse long-term neurodevelopmental outcome that may persist even into adulthood. Early characterization of the underlying neuronal mechanisms and early identification of infants at risk is of paramount importance since it allows better development of early therapeutic interventions aiming to prevent adverse outcomes through resilience. This dissertation aims to investigate the consequences of preterm birth on brain function and structure and their relation to adverse neurodevelopmental outcome, as well as to unveil the effect of an early music intervention on brain function. Research to date has mainly ... toggle 6 keywords

preterm birth functional mri neurodevelopmental outcome connectomics brain networks multivariate modeling


Loukas, Serafeim
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL)
Publication Year
Upload Date
June 3, 2021

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