Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

It is increasingly more common that an occasion is recorded by multiple individuals with the proliferation of recording devices such as smart phones. When properly aligned, these recordings may provide several audio and visual perspectives to a scene which leads to several applications in restoring, remastering and remixing frameworks in various fields. In this study, we interpret the problem of aligning multiple unsynchronized audio sequences in a probabilistic framework. In this manner, we propose a novel, model based approach where we define a template generative model. We define 6 different generative models using this template covering basically all kinds of features (real valued, positive, binary and categorical). Proper scoring functions that evaluates the quality of ... toggle 6 keywords

audio alignment audio synchronization audio fingerprinting bayesian modeling sequential monte carlo sampler probabilistic modeling


Basaran, Dogac
Bogazici University
Publication Year
Upload Date
Nov. 17, 2017

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