A Unified Framework for Communications through MIMO Channels (2003)
Signal and Spectrum Coordination for Next Generation DSL Networks
The ability to easily exchange and access data has transformed the way we work, study, inform and entertain ourselves. In particular, the Internet has had an effect on people’s lives in the past two decades that is profound. Profound as this effect may be, people seem not to grow tired of it. On the contrary: as of today, the Internet revolution is far from over. The thirst for bigger amounts of data at higher speeds and biquitous connectivity seem not to abate. This thirst for more, faster and better quality data is both a huge challenge and a huge opportunity for the broadband access industry. The opportunity lies on the fact that, as of the end of 2012, there were 600 million subscribers to broadband services around the world. Plus, even though the market is already enormous, it still has ...
Moraes, Rodrigo B. — KU Leuven
Equalization and echo cancellation in DMT-based systems
Digital subscriber line (DSL) is a technology to provide broadband communications over the existing twisted pair telephone network. The signals received by a DSL modem are typically corrupted by channel induced noise, background noise, radio frequeny interference (RFI) and undesired echo. In this thesis we focus on the design of digital signal processing algorithms to improve the bit rate and/or the loop reach of current and future DSL systems. Furthermore, in the proposed algorithms we aim at keeping the hardware cost as low as possible. The transmission format of many DSL systems is based on discrete multitone modulation (DMT). To combat channel induced noise, DMT-based receivers perform an equalization step by means of a time domain equalizer (TEQ) and a one-tap frequency domain equalizer (FEQ) per used tone. Despite the variety of TEQ design methods presented in the literature, we ...
Ysebaert, Geert — Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems will be applied in wireless communications in order to increase the performance, spectral efficiency, and reliability. Theoretically, the channel capacity of those systems grows linearly with the number of transmit and receive antennas. An important performance metric beneath capacity is the normalised mean square error (MSE) under the assumption of optimal linear reception. Clearly, both performance measures depend on the properties of the MIMO channel as well as on the considered system approach, e.g. on the type of channel state information which is available at the transmitter. It has been shown that even partial CSI at the transmitter can increase the performance. In this thesis, we analyse the performance and design optimal transmit strategies of singleand multiuser MIMO systems with respect to the statistical properties of the fading channel and under different types of CSI at ...
Jorswieck, Eduard — TU Berlin / Mobile Communications
Resource management and optimization in multi-user DSL systems
Digital subscriber line (DSL) technology is currently the most widely deployed broadband internet access technology and will continue to play an important role during the next decade. However, one of the major sources that limits the performance of current DSL systems is crosstalk, which is a channel distortion that is caused by the electromagnetic coupling among the different copper wires (DSL connections). Multi-user resource management is a very promising approach to prevent or even remove the impact of crosstalk, and that can significantly increase the performance of DSL systems. In this thesis, multiple efficient algorithms are proposed for multi-user resource management that only require a very low computational complexity and that can be applied to large-scale DSL systems. The application of these algorithms allows to significantly increase the data rates of DSL systems. It is furthermore shown that the proposed ...
Tsiaflakis, Paschalis — Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Multi-user Signal and Spectra Co-Ordination for digital subscriber lines
The appetite amongst consumers for ever higher data-rates seems insatiable. This booming market presents a huge opportunity for telephone and cable operators. It also presents a challenge: the delivery of broadband services to millions of customers across sparsely populated areas. Fully bre-based networks, whilst technically the most advanced solution, are prohibitively expensive to deploy. Digital subscriber lines (DSL) provide an alternative solution. Seen as a stepping-stone to a fully bre-based network, DSL operates over telephone lines that are already in place, minimizing the cost of deployment. The basic principle behind DSL technology is to increase data-rate by widening the transmission bandwidth. Unfortunately, operating at high frequencies, in a medium originally designed for voice-band transmission, leads to crosstalk between the di erent DSLs. Crosstalk is typically 10-15 dB larger than the background noise and is the dominant source of performance degradation ...
Cendrillon, Raphael — Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Impact of channel state information on the analysis and design of multiantenna communication systems
During the last decade, there has been a steady increase in the demand of high data rates that are to be supported by wireless communication applications. Among the different solutions that have been proposed by the research community to cope with this new demand, the utilization of multiple antennas arises as one of the best candidates due to the fact that it provides both an increase in reliability and also in information transmission rate. Although the use of multiple antennas at the receiver side dates back from the sixties, the full potential of multiple antennas at both communication ends has been both theoretically and practically recognized in the last few years. The design of proper multi-antenna communication systems to satisfy the high data rates demand depends not only on the chosen figure of merit or performance metric, but also on ...
Payaró Llisterri, Miquel — Centre Technologic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya
Efficient Globally Optimal Resource Allocation in Wireless Interference Networks
Radio resource allocation in communication networks is essential to achieve optimal performance and resource utilization. In modern interference networks the corresponding optimization problems are often nonconvex and their solution requires significant computational resources. Hence, practical systems usually use algorithms with no or only weak optimality guarantees for complexity reasons. Nevertheless, asserting the quality of these methods requires the knowledge of the globally optimal solution. State-of-the-art global optimization approaches mostly employ Tuy's monotonic optimization framework which has some major drawbacks, especially when dealing with fractional objectives or complicated feasible sets. In this thesis, two novel global optimization frameworks are developed. The first is based on the successive incumbent transcending (SIT) scheme to avoid numerical problems with complicated feasible sets. It inherently differentiates between convex and nonconvex variables, preserving the low computational complexity in the number of convex variables without the need ...
Matthiesen, Bho — Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany
New Approach to Dynamic Spectrum Management for DSL Environments
Currently, the telecommunications market has brought changes to the design of the old model of the telecommunications network. The emergence of new technologies for higher speed access was inevitable in order to meet the requirements of the appearance of the multimedia services (VoD, online gaming etc.). The latest technologies for broadband access over telephone pairs are Digital Subscriber Lines or DSL. This set of xDSL technologies allow the transfer of binary high speed over telephone twisted pair by using a suitable type of line codes. They allow a flow of high-speed information both asymmetrical and symmetrical over the telephone loop. This thesis presents the state of the art of Dynamic Spectrum Management (DSM) technologies suggested to improve the performance of DSL systems and proposes a new approach to this issue. The main contributions of this thesis includes extended bandwidth channel ...
Jakovljevic, Milos — Technical University of Madrid (UPM)
Resource Allocation in Modulation and Equalization Procedures in DSL Modems
Digital subscriber line (DSL) technology is a very popular broadband access technology. It uses the existing telephone infrastructure to provide broadband access. In order to cope with the increased bandwidth demand to support broadband services, such as, Video on Demand (VoD), real time multimedia streaming, it is important to further improve the DSL. The main performance degradation of the DSL system is caused by channel impairments, such as, crosstalk and inter-symbol interference (ISI). Furthermore, the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) based discrete multitone (DMT) system has very poor spectral properties, which prohibit the use of tones at the band edges in order to meet the power spectral density (PSD) constraints of the system, thus reducing the achievable bit rate. In order to mitigate the channel impairments as well as to combat the poor spectral properties of the DFT based DMT, sophisticated ...
Kumar Pandey, Prabin — KU Leuven
Energy-Efficient Distributed Multicast Beamforming Using Iterative Second-Order Cone Programming
In multi-user (MU) downlink beamforming, a high spectral efficiency along with a low transmit power is achieved by separating multiple users in space rather than in time or frequency using spatially selective transmit beams. For streaming media applications, multi-group multicast (MGM) downlink beamforming is a promising approach to exploit the broadcasting property of the wireless medium to transmit the same information to a group of users. To limit inter-group interference, the individual streams intended for different multicast groups are spatially separated using MGM downlink beamforming. Spatially selective downlink beamforming requires the employment of an array of multiple antennas at the base station (BS). The hardware costs associated with the use of multiple antennas may be prohibitive in practice. A way to avoid the expensive employment of multiple antennas at the BS is to exploit user cooperation in wireless networks where ...
Bornhorst, Nils — Technische Universität Darmstadt
This work considers a Broadcast Channel (BC) system, where the transmitter is equipped with multiple antennas and each user at the receiver side could have one or more antennas. Depending on the number of antennas at the receiver side, such a system is known as Multiple-User Multiple-Input Single-Output (MU-MISO), for single antenna users, or Multiple-UserMultiple-InputMultiple-Output (MU-MIMO), for several antenna users. This model is suitable for current wireless communication systems. Regarding the direction of the data flow, we differentiate between downlink channel or BC, and uplink channel or Multiple Access Channel (MAC). In the BC the signals are sent from the Base Station (BS) to the users, whereas the information from the users is sent to the BS in the MAC. In this work we focus on the BC where the BS applies linear precoding taking advantage of multiple antennas. The ...
González-Coma, José Pablo — University of a Coruña
Channel estimation and non-linear transceiver designs for MIMO OFDM relay systems
Multiple-input multiple output (MIMO) systems deploy multiple antennas at either end of a communication link and can provide significant benefits compared to traditional single antenna systems, such as increased data rates through spatial multiplexing gain, and/or improved link reliability through diversity techniques. Recently, the natural extension of utilising multiple antennas in relay networks, known as MIMO relaying, has attracted significant research attention due to the fact that the benefits of MIMO can be coupled with extended network coverage through the use of relaying devices. This thesis concentrates on the design and analysis of different aspects of MIMO relay systems communicating over frequency selective channels with the use of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). The first focus of this thesis is on the development of training based channel estimation algorithms for two-hop MIMO OFDM relaying. In the first phase of channel ...
Millar, Andrew Paul — University of Strathclyde
A parallel successive convex approximation framework with smoothing majorization for phase retrieval
This dissertation is concerned with the design and analysis of approximation-based methods for nonconvex nonsmooth optimization problems. The main idea behind those methods is to solve a difficult optimization problem by converting it into a sequence of simpler surrogate/approximate problems. In the two widely-used optimization frameworks, namely, the majorization-minimization (MM) framework and the successive convex approximation (SCA) framework, the approximate function is designed to be a global upper bound, called majorizer, of the original objective function and convex, respectively. Generally speaking, there are two desiderata of the approximate function, i.e., the tightness to the original objective function and the low computational complexity of minimizing the approximate function. In particular, we focus on techniques that can be used to construct a parallelizable approximate problem so as to take advantage of modern multicore computing platforms. The first part of this thesis aims ...
Liu, Tianyi — Technical University of Darmstadt
Communication Rates for Fading Channels with Imperfect Channel-State Information
An important specificity of wireless communication channels are the rapid fluctuations of propagation coefficients. This effect is called fading and is caused by the motion of obstacles, scatterers and reflectors standing along the different paths of electromagnetic wave propagation between the transmitting and the receiving terminal. These changes in the geometry of the wireless channel prompt the attenuation coefficients and the relative phase shifts between the multiple propagation paths to vary. This suggests to model the channel coefficients (the transfer matrix) as random variables. The present thesis studies information rates for reliable transmission of information over fading channels under the realistic assumption that the receiver has only imperfect knowledge of the random fading state. While the over-idealized assumption of perfect channel-state information at the receiver (CSIR) gives rise to many simple expressions and is fairly well understood, the settings with ...
Pastore, Adriano — Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Efficient Multi-carrier Communication on the Digital Subscriber Loop
This thesis explores three distinct philosophies for improving the efficiency of multi-carrier communication on the digital subscriber loop. The first topic discussed is impulse response shortening for discrete multitone transceivers. The minimum mean-squared error impulse response shortener is reformulated to allow near-optimal rate performance. It is demonstrated that the best existing eigen-filter designed channel shortener is a particular case of the proposed reformulation. An adaptive time-domain LMS algorithm is provided as an alternative to eigen-decomposition. The next part of the thesis examines bit- and power- loading algorithms for multitone systems. The problem of rate-optimal loading has already been solved. It is shown, however, that the rate-optimal solution does not give best value for complexity, and that near optimal schemes can perform very well at a fraction of the computational cost. The final section of the thesis is a brief exposition ...
Daly, Donnacha — University College Dublin
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