Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Every day we share our personal information through digital systems which are constantly exposed to threats. For this reason, security-oriented disciplines of signal processing have received increasing attention in the last decades: multimedia forensics, digital watermarking, biometrics, network monitoring, steganography and steganalysis are just a few examples. Even though each of these elds has its own peculiarities, they all have to deal with a common problem: the presence of one or more adversaries aiming at making the system fail. Adversarial Signal Processing lays the basis of a general theory that takes into account the impact that the presence of an adversary has on the design of effective signal processing tools. By focusing on the application ... toggle 16 keywords

signal processing in adversarial domain adversarial signal processing game theory detection theory adversary attacker attacks byzantines decision fusion data fusion zero-sum games dynamic programming consensus algorithms decentralized networks factor graph sum product algorithm.


Kallas, Kassem
University of Siena
Publication Year
Upload Date
Sept. 25, 2017

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