Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Radiocommunication systems have evolved significantly in recent years in order to meet present and future demands. Historically, time, frequency and more recently, spatial dimensions have been used to improve capacity and robustness. Paradoxically, radiocommunications that leverage the polarization dimension have not evolved at the same pace. In particular, these communications are widely used by satellites, where several streams are multiplexed in each orthogonal polarization. Current communication trends advocate for simplifying and unifying different frameworks in order to increase flexibility and address future needs. Due to this, systems that do not require channel information are progressively gaining traction, as they help to improve the overall quality of the network instead of that of specific users only. ... toggle 4 keywords

polarization index modulations communication systems MIMO


Henarejos, Pol
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Publication Year
Upload Date
July 25, 2017

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