Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

An ever-increasing demand for higher mobility, capacity and reliability, together with a definitive compromise with sustainability, are the hallmarks of mobile and wireless communications systems nowadays. Under these premises, smart antenna devices -capable of sensing the electromagnetic environment and suitably adapting its radiation features- are correspondingly called to play a crucial role. In this sense, today's wireless standards consider multiple-antenna techniques in order to exploit space diversity, spatial multiplexing and beamforming to achieve better levels of reliability and capacity. Such advantages, however, are obtained at the expense of increased system complexity which may be unaffordable in terms of size and energy efficiency. Consequently, some technical challenges remain to develop the adequate antenna technologies capable of ... toggle 4 keywords

antenna array time modulation wireless transmission signal processing


Maneiro-Catoria, Roberto
University of A Coruña
Publication Year
Upload Date
June 21, 2017

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