Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

This PhD thesis addresses the problem of measuring blood glucose from a photometric measurement setup that requires blood samples in the nano litre-range, which is several orders of magnitude less than the state of the art. The chemical reaction between the blood sample and the reagent in this setup is observed by a camera over time. Notably, the presented framework can be generalised to any image-based photometric measurement scheme in the context of modern biosensors. In this thesis a framework is developed to measure the glucose concentration from the raw images obtained by the camera. Initially, a pre-processing scheme is presented to enhance the raw images. Moreover, a reaction onset detection algorithm is developed. This ... toggle 9 keywords

blood glucose measurement clustering image segmentation kinetic modelling mean-shift sparse subspace clustering photometry video segmentation ordered subspace clustering


Demitri, Nevine
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Publication Year
Upload Date
Dec. 7, 2016

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