Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

During the past years wireless communications have been exhibiting an increased growth rendering them the most common way for communication. The continuously increasing demand for wireless services resulted in limited availability of the wireless spectrum. To this end, Cognitive Radio (CR) techniques have been proposed in literature during the past years. The concept of CR approach is to utilize advanced radio and signal-processing technology along with novel spectrum allocation policies to enable new unlicensed wireless users to operate in the existing occupied spectrum areas without degrading the performance of the existing licensed ones. Moreover, the broadcast and fading nature of the wireless channel results in severe degradation on the performance of wireless transmissions. A solution ... toggle 9 keywords

cognitive radio cooperative communications MIMO spectrum sensing subspace tracking distributed estimation distributed detection signal processing for communications cooperative beamforming


Tsinos, Christos
University of Patras
Publication Year
Upload Date
Dec. 5, 2016

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