Resource Management in Multicarrier Based Cognitive Radio Systems

The ever-increasing growth of the wireless application and services affirms the importance of the effective usage of the limited radio spectrum. Existing spectrum management policies have led to significant spectrum under-utilization. Recent measurements showed that large range of the spectrum is sparsely used in both temporal and spatial manner. This conflict between the inefficient usage of the spectrum and the continuous evolution in the wireless communication calls upon the development of more flexible management policies. Cognitive radio (CR) with the dynamic spectrum access (DSA) is considered to be a key technology in making the best solution of this conflict by allowing a group of secondary users (SUs) to share the radio spectrum originally allocated to the primary user (PUs). The operation of CR should not negatively alter the performance of the PUs. Therefore, the interference control along with the highly ...

Musbah Shaat — Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya

Competition, Coexistence, and Confidentiality in Multiuser Multi-antenna Wireless Networks

Competition for limited bandwidth, power, and time resources is an intrinsic aspect of multi-user wireless networks. There has been a recent move towards optimizing coexistence and confidentiality at the physical layer of multi-user wireless networks, mainly by exploiting the advanced capabilities of multiple-input multiple-out (MIMO) signal processing methods. Coexistence of disparate networks is made possible via interference mitigation and suppression, and is exemplified by the current interest in cognitive radio (CR) systems. On the other hand, MIMO communications that are secure at the physical layer without depending upon network-layer encryption are achieved by redirecting jamming or multi-user interference to unauthorized receivers, while minimizing that to legitimate receivers. In all cases, the accuracy of the channel state information (CSI) available at the transmitters plays a crucial role in determining the degree of interference mitigation and confidentiality that is achieved. This dissertation ...

Mukherjee, Amitav — University of California Irvine

Distributed Demand-Side Optimization in the Smart Grid

The modern power grid is facing major challenges in the transition to a low-carbon energy sector. The growing energy demand and environmental concerns require carefully revisiting how electricity is generated, transmitted, and consumed, with an eye to the integration of renewable energy sources. The envisioned smart grid is expected to address such issues by introducing advanced information, control, and communication technologies into the energy infrastructure. In this context, demand-side management (DSM) makes the end users responsible for improving the efficiency, reliability and sustainability of the power system: this opens up unprecedented possibilities for optimizing the energy usage and cost at different levels of the network. The design of DSM techniques has been extensively discussed in the literature in the last decade, although the performance of these methods has been scarcely investigated from the analytical point of view. In this thesis, ...

Atzeni, Italo — Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Adaptive Communications for Next Generation Broadband Wireless Access Systems

In Broadband Wireless Access systems the efficient use of the resources is crucial from many points of views. From the operator point of view, the bandwidth is a scarce, valuable, and expensive resource which must be exploited in an efficient manner while the Quality of Service (QoS) provided to the users is guaranteed. On the other hand, a tight delay and link quality constraints are imposed on each data flow hence the user experiences the same quality as in fixed networks. During the last few years many techniques have been developed in order to increase the spectral efficiency and the throughput. Among them, the use of multiple antennas at the transmitter and the receiver (exploiting spatial multiplexing) with the joint optimization of the medium access control layer and the physical layer parameters. In this Ph.D. thesis, different adaptive techniques for ...

Ismael Gutierrez González — Universitat Ramon Llull

Optimization of Positioning Capabilities in Wireless Sensor Networks: from power efficiency to medium access

In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN), the ability of sensor nodes to know its position is an enabler for a wide variety of applications for monitoring, control, and automation. Often, sensor data is meaningful only if its position can be determined. Many WSN are deployed indoors or in areas where Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signal coverage is not available, and thus GNSS positioning cannot be guaranteed. In these scenarios, WSN may be relied upon to achieve a satisfactory degree of positioning accuracy. Typically, batteries power sensor nodes in WSN. These batteries are costly to replace. Therefore, power consumption is an important aspect, being performance and lifetime ofWSN strongly relying on the ability to reduce it. It is crucial to design effective strategies to maximize battery lifetime. Optimization of power consumption can be made at different layers. For example, at the ...

Moragrega, Ana — Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya

Link Error Analysis and Modeling for Cross-Layer Design in UMTS Mobile Communication

Particularly in wireless mobile communications, link errors severely affect the quality of the services due to the high error probability and the specific error characteristics (burst errors) in the radio access part of the network. In this thesis it is shown that a thorough analysis and the appropriate modeling of the radiolink error behaviour is essential not only to evaluate and optimize the higher layer protocols and services. It is also the basis for finding network-aware cross-layer processing algorithms which are capable of exploiting the specific properties of the link error statistics (e.g. the predictability). This thesis presents the analysis of the radio link errors based on measurements in live UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunication System) radio access networks. It is shown that due to the link error characteristics basically two scenarios have to be distinguished: static and dynamic (regardless of ...

Karner, W. — Vienna University of Technology

Distributed Signal Processing Algorithms for Wireless Networks

Distributed signal processing algorithms have become a key approach for statistical inference in wireless networks and applications such as wireless sensor networks and smart grids. It is well known that distributed processing techniques deal with the extraction of information from data collected at nodes that are distributed over a geographic area. In this context, for each specific node, a set of neighbor nodes collect their local information and transmit the estimates to a specific node. Then, each specific node combines the collected information together with its local estimate to generate an improved estimate. In this thesis, novel distributed cooperative algorithms for inference in ad hoc, wireless sensor networks and smart grids are investigated. Low-complexity and effective algorithms to perform statistical inference in a distributed way are devised. A number of innovative approaches for dealing with node failures, compression of data ...

Xu, Songcen — University of York

Joint Downlink Beamforming and Discrete Resource Allocation Using Mixed-Integer Programming

Multi-antenna processing is widely adopted as one of the key enabling technologies for current and future cellular networks. Particularly, multiuser downlink beamforming (also known as space-division multiple access), in which multiple users are simultaneously served with spatial transmit beams in the same time and frequency resource, achieves high spectral efficiency with reduced energy consumption. To harvest the potential of multiuser downlink beamforming in practical systems, optimal beamformer design shall be carried out jointly with network resource allocation. Due to the specifications of cellular standards and/or implementation constraints, resource allocation in practice naturally necessitates discrete decision makings, e.g., base station (BS) association, user scheduling and admission control, adaptive modulation and coding, and codebook-based beamforming (precoding). This dissertation focuses on the joint optimization of multiuser downlink beamforming and discrete resource allocation in modern cellular networks. The problems studied in this thesis involve ...

Cheng, Yong — Technische Universität Darmstadt

On Bayesian Methods for Black-Box Optimization: Efficiency, Adaptation and Reliability

Recent advances in many fields ranging from engineering to natural science, require increasingly complicated optimization tasks in the experiment design, for which the target objectives are generally in the form of black-box functions that are expensive to evaluate. In a common formulation of this problem, a designer is expected to solve the black-box optimization tasks via sequentially attempting candidate solutions and receiving feedback from the system. This thesis considers Bayesian optimization (BO) as the black-box optimization framework, and investigates the enhancements on BO from the aspects of efficiency, adaptation and reliability. Generally, BO consists of a surrogate model for providing probabilistic inference and an acquisition function which leverages the probabilistic inference for selecting the next candidate solution. Gaussian process (GP) is a prominent non-parametric surrogate model, and the quality of its inference is a critical factor on the optimality performance ...

Zhang, Yunchuan — King's College London

Transmit Beamforming to Multiple Cochannel Multicast Groups

The major contribution of this thesis is on the problem of transmit beamforming to multiple cochannel multicast groups. Two viewpoints are considered: i) minimizing total transmission power while guaranteeing a prescribed minimum signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) at each receiver; and ii) a "fair" approach maximizing the overall minimum SINR under a total power budget. The core problem is a multicast generalization of the multiuser downlink beamforming problem; the difference is that each transmitted stream is directed to multiple receivers, each with its own channel. Such generalization is relevant and timely, e.g., in the context of the emerging WiMAX and UMTS-LTE wireless networks. The joint multicast beamforming problem is in general NP-hard, motivating the pursuit of computationally efficient quasi-optimal solutions. In chapter 1, it is shown that semidefinite relaxation coupled with suitable randomization / cochannel multicast power control yield computationally efficient high-quality ...

Karipidis, Eleftherios — Technical University of Crete

Detection and Resource Allocation Algorithms for Cooperative MIMO Relay Systems

Cooperative communications and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication systems are important topics in current research that will play key roles in the future of wireless networks and standards. These techniques can provide gains in data throughput, network capacity, coverage, outage, reduced error rates and power consumption, but can have an increased cost in computational complexity and present new problems in many areas. In this thesis, the various challenges in accurately detecting and estimating data signals and allocating resources in the cooperative systems are investigated. Firstly, we propose a cross-layer design strategy that consists of a cooperative maximum likelihood (ML) detector operating in conjunction with link selection for a cooperative MIMO network. The cooperative ML detector is derived, with considerations and approximations made for the knowledge of the system information that is available to the detector. Link selection in the cooperative network ...

Hesketh, Thomas John — University of York

Efficient Interference Suppression and Resource Allocation in MIMO and DS-CDMA Wireless Networks

Direct-sequence code-divisionmultiple-access (DS-CDMA) and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless networks form the physical layer of the current generation of mobile networks and are anticipated to play a key role in the next generation of mobile networks. The improvements in capacity, data-rates and robustness that these networks provide come at the cost of increasingly complex interference suppression and resource allocation. Consequently, efficient approaches to these tasks are essential if the current rate of progression in mobile technology is to be sustained. In this thesis, linear minimum mean-square error (MMSE) techniques for interference suppression and resource allocation in DS-CDMA and cooperative MIMO networks are considered and a set of novel and efficient algorithms proposed. Firstly, set-membership (SM) reduced-rank techniques for interference suppression in DS-CDMA systems are investigated. The principals of SM filtering are applied to the adaptation of the projection matrix and reduced-rank ...

Patrick Clarke — University of York

Distributed Space-Time Coding Techniques with Limited Feedback in Cooperative MIMO Networks

Multi-input multi-output (MIMO) wireless networks and distributed MIMO relaying wireless networks have attracted significant attention in current generation of wireless communication networks, and will play a key role in the next generation of wireless net- works. The improvement of network capacity, data rate and reliability can be achieved at the cost of increasing computational complexity of employing space-time coding (STC) and distributed STC (DSTC) in MIMO and distributed MIMO relaying networks, respectively. Efficient designs and algorithms to achieve high diversity and coding gains with low computational complexity in encoding and decoding of STC and DSTC schemes are essential. In this thesis, DSTC designs with high diversity and coding gains and efficient detection and code matrices optimization algorithms in cooperative MIMO networks are proposed. Firstly, adaptive power allocation (PA) algorithms with different criteria for a coop- erative MIMO network equipped with ...

Peng, Tong — University of York

Distributed Processing Techniques for Parameter Estimation and Efficient Data Gathering in Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks

This dissertation deals with the distributed processing techniques for parameter estimation and efficient data-gathering in wireless communication and sensor networks. The estimation problem consists in inferring a set of parameters from temporal and spatial noisy observations collected by different nodes that monitor an area or field. The objective is to derive an estimate that is as accurate as the one that would be obtained if each node had access to the information across the entire network. With the aim of enabling an energy aware and low-complexity distributed implementation of the estimation task, several useful optimization techniques that generally yield linear estimators were derived in the literature. Up to now, most of the works considered that the nodes are interested in estimating the same vector of global parameters. This scenario can be viewed as a special case of a more general ...

Bogdanovic, Nikola — University of Patras

System Level Investigations for Mobile and Indoor Users in Future Cellular Networks

Operators of cellular networks are hard pressed to provide a seamless wireless connection to their users. Due to the expanded demand not only for coverage but also for increased network capacity, the network architecture needs to be adapted and evolve beyond the classical hexagonal grid. The globally ongoing trend of urbanization leads to more and more users utilizing their wireless devices indoors or in mobile scenarios, when commuting or traveling. These scenarios pose particular challenges to implementing a suitable network in terms of propagation conditions as well as optimal base station (BS) deployment. Therefore, in this thesis, I investigate the potential network-wide average performance of wireless cellular networks particularly in high speed train (HST) environments , as well as of network deployments indoors. An investigation on network scale requires to limit the complexity of the applied system models. This is ...

Martin Klaus Müller — TU Wien

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