Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Wireless networks and power distribution grids are experiencing increasing demands on their efficiency and reliability. Judicious methods for allocating scarce resources such as power and bandwidth are of paramount importance. As a result, nonlinear optimization and signal processing tools have been incorporated into the design of contemporary networks. This thesis develops schemes for efficient resource allocation (RA) in such dynamic networks, with an emphasis in stochasticity, which is accounted for in the problem formulation as well as in the algorithms and schemes to solve those problems. Stochastic optimization and decomposition techniques are investigated to develop low-complexity algorithms with specific applications in cross-layer design of wireless communications, cognitive radio (CR) networks and smart power distribution systems. ... toggle 6 keywords

resource allocation convex optimization decomposition stochastic approximation cognitive radios smart grids


Lopez Ramos, Luis Miguel
King Juan Carlos University
Publication Year
Upload Date
Oct. 6, 2016

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