Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

This thesis is concerned with the problem of broadband angle of arrival (AoA) estimation for sensor arrays. There is a rich theory of narrowband solutions to the AoA problem, which typically involves the covariance matrix of the received data and matrix factorisations such as the eigenvalue decomposition (EVD) to reach optimality in various senses. For broadband arrays, such as found in sonar, acoustics or other applications where signals do not fulfil the narrowband assumption, working with phase shifts between different signals — as sufficient in the narrowband case — does not suffice and explicit lags need to be taken into account. The required space-time covariance matrix of the data now has a lag dimension, and ... toggle 4 keywords

angle of arrival estimation broadband signals polynomial matrices polynomial matrix evd.


Alrmah, Mohamed Abubaker
University of Strathclyde
Publication Year
Upload Date
July 1, 2016

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