Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Despite decades of exponential growth in computational power, humans continue to find new problems that eclipse available computational resources. This unrelenting pursuit for computational power has brought about supercomputers consisting of millions of individual computing units. Writing programs that would efficiently utilize the computational power of such complex machines has turned out to be a major challenge. As of today, most \ac{HPC} applications continue to be based on the distributed memory programming paradigm, through the use of \ac{MPI}. One of the principal drivers behind the research in this dissertation was the coupling of multi-scale and multi-physics iPIC3D space weather simulation with in-situ raytraced visualization for real-time simulation steering. This application was developed by the Leuven ... toggle 10 keywords

MPI reduction message passing process skew load imbalance system noise distributed memory high performance computing infiniband process arrival time


Marendic, Petar
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Publication Year
Upload Date
April 19, 2016

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