Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Modern wireless communication systems utilize complex modulated signals such as OFDM signals to achieve increased data rates and spectral efficiency. These signals are characterized by a high peak-to-average-power ratio (PAPR). Thus, highly linear transmitters are required to provide sufficient transmission signal linearity. Conventional linear PAs, such as Class A or Class AB, produce high efficiency only near or at the peak output power region. As a result, the average efficiency is quite low for high PAPR signals. For non-portable devices such as base stations or mobile devices like mobile phones, low PA efficiency means higher heat dissipation which is often a design criterion. In addition, in mobile devices, a direct consequence of the low PA ... toggle 5 keywords

radio frequency (rf) transmitter pulse width modulation (pwm) wireless communication burst-mode operation efficiency optimization


Chi, Shuli
Signal Processing and Speech Communication Laboratory
Publication Year
Upload Date
March 1, 2016

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