Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

In 1948, the Shannon’s work titled ”A mathematical theory of communication” completely revolutionized the way to understand the problem of the reliable communications. He showed that any communications system is able to transmit with an arbitrarily low error probability as long as the transmission rate is kept below a certain limit. The separation between the source and channel coding was also shown as the optimal strategy to achieve the theoretical limits. Those ideas inspire the development of a whole digital communication theory focused on building more and more sophisticated coding schemes. It leads to most of communication systems were designed according to a digital approach and the separation principle from that moment, whereas other alternatives ... toggle 4 keywords

analog joint source channel coding MIMO OFDM multiuser communications


Fresnedo Arias, Óscar
University of A Coruña
Publication Year
Upload Date
May 15, 2015

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