Sparsity Models for Signals: Theory and Applications (2014)
General Approaches for Solving Inverse Problems with Arbitrary Signal Models
Ill-posed inverse problems appear in many signal and image processing applications, such as deblurring, super-resolution and compressed sensing. The common approach to address them is to design a specific algorithm, or recently, a specific deep neural network, for each problem. Both signal processing and machine learning tactics have drawbacks: traditional reconstruction strategies exhibit limited performance for complex signals, such as natural images, due to the hardness of their mathematical modeling; while modern works that circumvent signal modeling by training deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) suffer from a huge performance drop when the observation model used in training is inexact. In this work, we develop and analyze reconstruction algorithms that are not restricted to a specific signal model and are able to handle different observation models. Our main contributions include: (a) We generalize the popular sparsity-based CoSaMP algorithm to any signal ...
Tirer, Tom — Tel Aviv University
Contributions to signal analysis and processing using compressed sensing techniques
Chapter 2 contains a short introduction to the fundamentals of compressed sensing theory, which is the larger context of this thesis. We start with introducing the key concepts of sparsity and sparse representations of signals. We discuss the central problem of compressed sensing, i.e. how to adequately recover sparse signals from a small number of measurements, as well as the multiple formulations of the reconstruction problem. A large part of the chapter is devoted to some of the most important conditions necessary and/or sufficient to guarantee accurate recovery. The aim is to introduce the reader to the basic results, without the burden of detailed proofs. In addition, we also present a few of the popular reconstruction and optimization algorithms that we use throughout the thesis. Chapter 3 presents an alternative sparsity model known as analysis sparsity, that offers similar recovery ...
Cleju, Nicolae — "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi
Linear Dynamical Systems with Sparsity Constraints: Theory and Algorithms
This thesis develops new mathematical theory and presents novel recovery algorithms for discrete linear dynamical systems (LDS) with sparsity constraints on either control inputs or initial state. The recovery problems in this framework manifest as the problem of reconstructing one or more sparse signals from a set of noisy underdetermined linear measurements. The goal of our work is to design algorithms for sparse signal recovery which can exploit the underlying structure in the measurement matrix and the unknown sparse vectors, and to analyze the impact of these structures on the efficacy of the recovery. We answer three fundamental and interconnected questions on sparse signal recovery problems that arise in the context of LDS. First, what are necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a sparse solution? Second, given that a sparse solution exists, what are good low-complexity algorithms that ...
Joseph, Geethu — Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Search-Based Methods for the Sparse Signal Recovery Problem in Compressed Sensing
The sparse signal recovery, which appears not only in compressed sensing but also in other related problems such as sparse overcomplete representations, denoising, sparse learning, etc. has drawn a large attraction in the last decade. The literature contains a vast number of recovery methods, which have been analysed in theoretical and empirical aspects. This dissertation presents novel search-based sparse signal recovery methods. First, we discuss theoretical analysis of the orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm with more iterations than the number of nonzero elements of the underlying sparse signal. Second, best-fi rst tree search is incorporated for sparse recovery by a novel method, whose tractability follows from the properly de fined cost models and pruning techniques. The proposed method is evaluated by both theoretical and empirical analyses, which clearly emphasize the improvements in the recovery accuracy. Next, we introduce an iterative two ...
Karahanoglu, Nazim Burak — Sabanci University
Compressive Sensing of Cyclostationary Propeller Noise
This dissertation is the combination of three manuscripts –either published in or submitted to journals– on compressive sensing of propeller noise for detection, identification and localization of water crafts. Propeller noise, as a result of rotating blades, is broadband and radiates through water dominating underwater acoustic noise spectrum especially when cavitation develops. Propeller cavitation yields cyclostationary noise which can be modeled by amplitude modulation, i.e., the envelope-carrier product. The envelope consists of the so-called propeller tonals representing propeller characteristics which is used to identify water crafts whereas the carrier is a stationary broadband process. Sampling for propeller noise processing yields large data sizes due to Nyquist rate and multiple sensor deployment. A compressive sensing scheme is proposed for efficient sampling of second-order cyclostationary propeller noise since the spectral correlation function of the amplitude modulation model is sparse as shown in ...
Fırat, Umut — Istanbul Technical University
Bayesian methods for sparse and low-rank matrix problems
Many scientific and engineering problems require us to process measurements and data in order to extract information. Since we base decisions on information, it is important to design accurate and efficient processing algorithms. This is often done by modeling the signal of interest and the noise in the problem. One type of modeling is Compressed Sensing, where the signal has a sparse or low-rank representation. In this thesis we study different approaches to designing algorithms for sparse and low-rank problems. Greedy methods are fast methods for sparse problems which iteratively detects and estimates the non-zero components. By modeling the detection problem as an array processing problem and a Bayesian filtering problem, we improve the detection accuracy. Bayesian methods approximate the sparsity by probability distributions which are iteratively modified. We show one approach to making the Bayesian method the Relevance Vector ...
Sundin, Martin — Department of Signal Processing, Royal Institute of Technology KTH
Sparse Signal Recovery From Incomplete And Perturbed Data
Sparse signal recovery consists of algorithms that are able to recover undersampled high dimensional signals accurately. These algorithms require fewer measurements than traditional Shannon/Nyquist sampling theorem demands. Sparse signal recovery has found many applications including magnetic resonance imaging, electromagnetic inverse scattering, radar/sonar imaging, seismic data collection, sensor array processing and channel estimation. The focus of this thesis is on electromagentic inverse scattering problem and joint estimation of the frequency offset and the channel impulse response in OFDM. In the electromagnetic inverse scattering problem, the aim is to find the electromagnetic properties of unknown targets from measured scattered field. The reconstruction of closely placed point-like objects is investigated. The application of the greedy pursuit based sparse recovery methods, OMP and FTB-OMP, is proposed for increasing the reconstruction resolution. The performances of the proposed methods are compared against NESTA and MT-BCS methods. ...
Senyuva, Rifat Volkan — Bogazici University
Parallel Dictionary Learning Algorithms for Sparse Representations
Sparse representations are intensively used in signal processing applications, like image coding, denoising, echo channels modeling, compression, classification and many others. Recent research has shown encouraging results when the sparse signals are created through the use of a learned dictionary. The current study focuses on finding new methods and algorithms, that have a parallel form where possible, for obtaining sparse representations of signals with improved dictionaries that lead to better performance in both representation error and execution time. We attack the general dictionary learning problem by first investigating and proposing new solutions for sparse representation stage and then moving on to the dictionary update stage where we propose a new parallel update strategy. Lastly, we study the effect of the representation algorithms on the dictionary update method. We also researched dictionary learning solutions where the dictionary has a specific form. ...
Irofti, Paul — Politehnica University of Bucharest
Compressed sensing and dimensionality reduction for unsupervised learning
This work aims at exploiting compressive sensing paradigms in order to reduce the cost of statistical learning tasks. We first provide a reminder of compressive sensing bases and describe some statistical analysis tasks using similar ideas. Then we describe a framework to perform parameter estimation on probabilistic mixture models in a case where training data is compressed to a fixed-size representation called a sketch. We formulate the estimation as a generalized inverse problem for which we propose a greedy algorithm. We experiment this framework and algorithm on an isotropic Gaussian mixture model. This proof of concept suggests the existence of theoretical recovery guarantees for sparse objects beyond the usual vector and matrix cases. We therefore study the generalization of linear inverse problems stability results on general signal models encompassing the standard cases and the sparse mixtures of probability distributions. We ...
Bourrier, Anthony — INRIA, Technicolor
Adaptive Sparse Coding and Dictionary Selection
The sparse coding is approximation/representation of signals with the minimum number of coefficients using an overcomplete set of elementary functions. This kind of approximations/ representations has found numerous applications in source separation, denoising, coding and compressed sensing. The adaptation of the sparse approximation framework to the coding problem of signals is investigated in this thesis. Open problems are the selection of appropriate models and their orders, coefficient quantization and sparse approximation method. Some of these questions are addressed in this thesis and novel methods developed. Because almost all recent communication and storage systems are digital, an easy method to compute quantized sparse approximations is introduced in the first part. The model selection problem is investigated next. The linear model can be adapted to better fit a given signal class. It can also be designed based on some a priori information ...
Yaghoobi, Mehrdad — University of Edinburgh
Toward sparse and geometry adapted video approximations
Video signals are sequences of natural images, where images are often modeled as piecewise-smooth signals. Hence, video can be seen as a 3D piecewise-smooth signal made of piecewise-smooth regions that move through time. Based on the piecewise-smooth model and on related theoretical work on rate-distortion performance of wavelet and oracle based coding schemes, one can better analyze the appropriate coding strategies that adaptive video codecs need to implement in order to be efficient. Efficient video representations for coding purposes require the use of adaptive signal decompositions able to capture appropriately the structure and redundancy appearing in video signals. Adaptivity needs to be such that it allows for proper modeling of signals in order to represent these with the lowest possible coding cost. Video is a very structured signal with high geometric content. This includes temporal geometry (normally represented by motion ...
Divorra Escoda, Oscar — EPFL / Signal Processing Institute
Parameter Estimation and Filtering Using Sparse Modeling
Sparsity-based estimation techniques deal with the problem of retrieving a data vector from an undercomplete set of linear observations, when the data vector is known to have few nonzero elements with unknown positions. It is also known as the atomic decomposition problem, and has been carefully studied in the field of compressed sensing. Recent findings have led to a method called basis pursuit, also known as Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO), as a numerically reliable sparsity-based approach. Although the atomic decomposition problem is generally NP-hard, it has been shown that basis pursuit may provide exact solutions under certain assumptions. This has led to an extensive study of signals with sparse representation in different domains, providing a new general insight into signal processing. This thesis further investigates the role of sparsity-based techniques, especially basis pursuit, for solving parameter estimation ...
Panahi, Ashkan — Chalmers University of Technology
Sparse approximation and dictionary learning with applications to audio signals
Over-complete transforms have recently become the focus of a wide wealth of research in signal processing, machine learning, statistics and related fields. Their great modelling flexibility allows to find sparse representations and approximations of data that in turn prove to be very efficient in a wide range of applications. Sparse models express signals as linear combinations of a few basis functions called atoms taken from a so-called dictionary. Finding the optimal dictionary from a set of training signals of a given class is the objective of dictionary learning and the main focus of this thesis. The experimental evidence presented here focuses on the processing of audio signals, and the role of sparse algorithms in audio applications is accordingly highlighted. The first main contribution of this thesis is the development of a pitch-synchronous transform where the frame-by-frame analysis of audio data ...
Barchiesi, Daniele — Queen Mary University of London
Decompositions Parcimonieuses Structurees: Application a la presentation objet de la musique
The amount of digital music available both on the Internet and by each listener has considerably raised for about ten years. The organization and the accessibillity of this amount of data demand that additional informations are available, such as artist, album and song names, musical genre, tempo, mood or other symbolic or semantic attributes. Automatic music indexing has thus become a challenging research area. If some tasks are now correctly handled for certain types of music, such as automatic genre classification for stereotypical music, music instrument recoginition on solo performance and tempo extraction, others are more difficult to perform. For example, automatic transcription of polyphonic signals and instrument ensemble recognition are still limited to some particular cases. The goal of our study is not to obain a perfect transcription of the signals and an exact classification of all the instruments ...
Leveau, Pierre — Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Telecom ParisTech
Exploiting Sparsity for Efficient Compression and Analysis of ECG and Fetal-ECG Signals
Over the last decade there has been an increasing interest in solutions for the continuous monitoring of health status with wireless, and in particular, wearable devices that provide remote analysis of physiological data. The use of wireless technologies have introduced new problems such as the transmission of a huge amount of data within the constraint of limited battery life devices. The design of an accurate and energy efficient telemonitoring system can be achieved by reducing the amount of data that should be transmitted, which is still a challenging task on devices with both computational and energy constraints. Furthermore, it is not sufficient merely to collect and transmit data, and algorithms that provide real-time analysis are needed. In this thesis, we address the problems of compression and analysis of physiological data using the emerging frameworks of Compressive Sensing (CS) and sparse ...
Da Poian, Giulia — University of Udine
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