Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

In the last years, research has focused on multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless technology due to the capacity and performance improvement it provides, offering a higher spectral efficiency. In addition, when multiple users take part in the network, the scenario becomes much more complex, since resources like bandwidth, time or transmission power must be shared. Furthermore, the performance of the system is degraded as a consequence of the noise and multiuser interference (MUI). When the transmission is conducted from a base station (BS) to multiple users, a pre-equalization stage called precoding is applied. By means of this, each user will be able to interpret the signal independently, without the knowledge of the channel. Precoding techniques are ... toggle 6 keywords

MIMO multiuser relaying vector precoding tomlinson-harashima precoding block diagonalization


Jimenez, Idoia
University of Mondragon
Publication Year
Upload Date
Feb. 7, 2015

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