Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

This dissertation introduces interactive designs in the context of statistical parametric synthesis. The objective is to develop methods and designs that enrich the Human-Computer Interaction by enabling computers (or other devices) to have more expressive and adjustable voices. First, we tackle the problem of interactive controls and present a novel method for performative HMM-based synthesis (pHTS). Second, we apply interpolation methods, initially developed for the traditional HMM-based speech synthesis system, in the interactive framework of pHTS. Third, we integrate articulatory control in our interactive approach. Fourth, we present a collection of interactive applications based on our work. Finally, we unify our research into an open source library, Mage. To our current knowledge Mage is the ... toggle 7 keywords

speech synthesis statistical parametric synthesis hidden markov models hmm-based speech synthesis hmms HTS mage


Astrinaki, Maria
University of Mons
Publication Year
Upload Date
Jan. 6, 2015

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