Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Recent improvements in the development of inertial and visual sensors allow building small, lightweight, and cheap motion capture systems, which are becoming a standard feature of smartphones and personal digital assistants. This dissertation describes developments of new motion sensing strategies using the inertial and inertial-visual sensors. The thesis contributions are presented in two parts. The first part focuses mainly on the use of inertial measurement units. First, the problem of sensor calibration is addressed and a low-cost and accurate method to calibrate the accelerometer cluster of this unit is proposed. The method is based on the maximum likelihood estimation framework, which results in a minimum variance unbiased estimator.Then using the inertial measurement unit, a probabilistic ... toggle 5 keywords

visual inertial navigation inertial measurement unit calibration observability analysis motion estimation


Panahandeh Ghazaleh
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Publication Year
Upload Date
March 23, 2014

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