Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

This thesis investigates the design and evaluation of an embedded optimization framework for the perceptual enhancement of audio signals which are degraded by linear and/or nonlinear distortion. In general, audio signal enhancement has the goal to improve the perceived audio quality, speech intelligibility, or another desired perceptual attribute of the distorted audio signal by applying a real-time digital signal processing algorithm. In the designed embedded optimization framework, the audio signal enhancement problem under consideration is formulated and solved as a per-frame numerical optimization problem, allowing to compute the enhanced audio signal frame that is optimal according to a desired perceptual attribute. The first stage of the embedded optimization framework consists in the formulation of the ... toggle 9 keywords

audio signal enhancement embedded optimization audio quality sound perception nonlinear distortion clipping loudspeaker precompensation declipping dereverberation


Defraene, Bruno
KU Leuven
Publication Year
Upload Date
Dec. 12, 2013

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