Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

In recent years, research on Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) has attracted considerable attention. This is in part motivated by the large number of applications in which WSNs are called to play a pivotal role, such as parameter estimation (namely, moisture, temperature), event detection (leakage of pollutants, earthquakes, fires), or localization and tracking (for e.g. border control, inventory tracking), to name a few. This PhD dissertation is focused on the design of decentralized estimation schemes for wireless sensor networks. In this context, sensors observe a given phenomenon of interest (e.g. temperature). Consequently, sensor observations are conveyed over the wireless medium to a Fusion Center (FC) for further processing. The ultimate goal of the WSN is the ... toggle 1 keyword

wireless sensor networks (wsn)


Javier Matamoros Morcillo
Centre Tecnològic de Telecomuniacions de Catalunya (CTTC)
Publication Year
Upload Date
June 13, 2012

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