Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

From a signal processing for communications perspective, three fundamental transceiver design components are the channel precoder, the channel estimator, and the channel equalizer. The optimal design of these blocks is typically formulated as an optimization problem with a certain objective function, and a given constraint set. However, besides the objective function and the constraint set, their optimal design crucially depends upon the adopted system model and the assumed system state. While, optimization under a perfect knowledge of these underlying parameters (system model and state) is relatively straight forward and well explored, the optimization under their imperfect (partial or uncertain) knowledge is more involved and cumbersome. Intuitively, the central question that arises here is: should we ... toggle 7 keywords

robust optimization uncertainty precoder estimator equalizer channel state information


Nisar, Muhammad Danish
Technical University Munich, Germany
Publication Year
Upload Date
Feb. 1, 2012

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