Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Source coding concerns the representation of information in a source signal using as few bits as possible. In the case of lossy source coding, it is the encoding of a source signal using the fewest possible bits at a given distortion or, at the lowest possible distortion given a specified bit rate. Channel coding is usually applied in combination with source coding to ensure reliable transmission of the (source coded) information at the maximal rate across a channel given the properties of this channel. In this thesis, we consider the coding of auto-regressive (AR) sources which are sources that can be modeled as auto-regressive processes. The coding of AR sources lends itself to linear predictive ... toggle 5 keywords

auto-regressive sources coding optimization loss optimization source coding transmission loss


Arildsen, Thomas
Aalborg University
Publication Year
Upload Date
Aug. 30, 2011

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