Abstract / truncated to 115 words (read the full abstract)

Image and video quality assessment has become an increasingly important subject in digital video coding and transmission scenarios, such as digital television. In this context, a special interest has been put on no-reference objective quality assessment metrics, since they are suitable for real-time quality monitoring once the video delivery system is settled. This Thesis proposes new no-reference quality assessment metrics for images and video. The main goal of the proposed techniques is to estimate the quality of lossy DCT-based encoded video. The proposed metrics share the same key idea: based on elements extracted from the bitstream of the encoded images or video arriving at the point where quality assessment has to be performed, an estimate ... toggle 6 keywords

no-reference quality assessment image and video coding perceptual models parameter estimation dct coefficient statistics watermarking


Brandão, Tomás
Technical University of Lisbon
Publication Year
Upload Date
July 14, 2011

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